Hob-bee Projects

This photo is of a planter box my fiancée and I built together during the first covid lockdown in 2020, as a way to give us a bit of nature in our view from the flat window – central london can be a bit bleak. I’m posting this because I’m sick of seeing the title […]

Change or Die.

A tad dramatic, perhaps. However, I feel this anecdote is important to hold onto throughout all stages of your career, especially in the tech industry. Embracing change and accepting that you are playing an endless game of “catch up” is one of the hardest things for humans to do, yet one of the most important […]

Career Puzzles

I recently attended a careers fair at Heriot-Watt university, and was pleased to find that amongst all the usual junk produced en masse and handed out to students who don’t really care in the hope of grabbing their attention (pens, keyrings, bottle openers, leaflets, free sweets, money…), I found something which actually caught my interest […]

New Site, New Services

I’m writing this at 5am, having had a bout of inspiration and redeveloped this website, having put it on the backburner for a year… or two. While it may not look like much, behind the simple website I have refreshed the core of how I market myself and my services; I am now aiming to […]