KaraokeHunt App Launch

I’m working on a mobile app to help you find songs to sing at karaoke. If a song you wanna sing doesn’t have a karaoke version yet, you can request it and it’ll be live on YouTube within an hour or two! If that sounds interesting, check it out here: karaokehunt.com

Collaborative Music Tastes

For the past year, most of my working life has been spent listening to music using a service – now discontinued – called Soundrop. Soundrop was an app in the Spotify app ecosystem which offered music genre-based listening rooms with group chat and democratic track queueing; whichever track in the playlist had the most votes […]

Musical Statistics

I knew there was a reason I loved Last.fm. This is it: statistics drawn from years worth of data, rendered as beautiful, easy to interpret, crisp vector graphics. (click to enlarge)