Andrew Beveridge

KaraokeHunt App Launch

I’m working on a mobile app to help you find songs to sing at karaoke. If a song you wanna sing doesn’t have a karaoke

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Andrew Beveridge

Hob-bee Projects

This photo is of a planter box my fiancée and I built together during the first covid lockdown in 2020, as a way to give

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Andrew Beveridge

Change or Die.

A tad dramatic, perhaps. However, I feel this anecdote is important to hold onto throughout all stages of your career, especially in the tech industry.

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Andrew Beveridge

Vim block-visual mode

Vim 2.0 was released in 1993, barely a year after I was born. The fact that it’s taken me that long to discover block-visual mode

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Andrew Beveridge

Collaborative Music Tastes

For the past year, most of my working life has been spent listening to music using a service – now discontinued – called Soundrop. Soundrop

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